
By Alex

Day 93: Noma

I have delayed writing this post for some time, partially because I wanted to let the experience sink in, and partially because this post is an official acknowledgement of ‘The End’. Once I post this – when you read this – my trip will ‘officially’ be over, done, finished. It signals some return to normalcy, to Adelaide, to…

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By Alex

Day 92: Crossing over to Copenhagen

The bus out of Berlin was uneventful – uneventful in that nothing broke down, there were no near-death experiences on the road, and nobody on board the bus was trying to sell fake leather belts. Oh wait, that’s normal… isn’t it? Being in a Developed Country™ takes a little getting used to. The main event…

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By Alex

Day 90: Berlin Bound

The bus glided over another invisible line into the Czech Republic. This one was marked by a neon wasteland of ‘24/7 SHOP’ signs, glittering casinos and theme parks lining the highway. Tucked away behind the money-making monoliths were crumbling farmhouses and decrepit shops selling power tools and sex toys. I guess this is the hotspot…

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By Alex

Day 80: Macedonian madness

I made my way back to the roadside and again stuck out my thumb. I had passed the point of caring about looking silly, or even feeling that initial irrational disappointment when not picked up. As if I had reached some sort of hitch-hiking zen, I didn’t quite believe it when after ten minutes an…

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